Wednesday, September 24, 2014

El Salvador

Living Water International

So this post has taken me a little longer to write than other ones because I wasn't even sure where to start. So much happened in just a week. It was an amazing experience that I will remember for a long time.

First I want to talk about the incredible organization that is Living Water International. 783 million people lack access to safe drinking water around the world and LWI is doing something about it. They demonstrate God's love by drilling over 14,000 clean water wells to over 26 countries. Along with providing safe drinking water, their teams teach health and hygiene to the villages, and the most needed resource- living water which is the grace and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I was blessed enough to have the opportunity to join a team in El Salvador for a week to provide clean water to the precious school Centro Escolar.  This village is made up of about 80 families and over 200 children. Most homes did not have running water and the families have been walking down the mountain to the river to get any water for themselves. Yet because the water from the river is unclean, sickness and even death have unfortunately been a result.

I speak very little Spanish and going into the trip I had no idea what to expect, but God provided abundantly. The team is full of hard workers, determined to finish the well quickly and effectively. My days were split between teaching hygiene, drilling, playing with children, and just getting plain muddy. Going on these type trips are always eye opening as we see the poverty that us in America never experience. More than anything though these trips are humbling as the joy and generosity pours out of the people in this village. These families have so little however, every day we were offered food, drinks, presents, even chairs they were sitting in. Why is it when we have so much we hold on tighter to the things we think we deserve? Anyways, these were just a few of the eye opening experiences I had this past week.

As we finished the well and said our good-byes I was heartbroken to leave. The village is grateful for us being able to give them clean water but it is them who gave to me. While I was there, I was reminded of the joy I feel when being surrounded by children. I already miss their big smiles, warm hugs, and crazy dance moves. They reminded me of how big and gracious our God is. Hearing prayers and songs in even the small mountain villages of El Salvador reminds me God is everywhere and cares about every single one of us more than we can understand.  I was of course reminded of how much God has given me and the desire to give my time, money, whatever He asks, was lit again.

1 John 3:17
"But if anyone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need and refuses to help- how can God's love be in that person? Let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions that we know we are living in the truth."

Here is a video that Alice graciously made that sums up our trip!

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